Saturday, December 14, 2013

Antique young journalist attends Reg'l Training in School Paper Production

This training will enhance the skills of the young writers for collaborative contest and how to produce school papers, said Mr. Jude Thaddeus I. Iledan, Education Program Supervisor II - English  during the Regional Training in School Paper Production at Punta Villa Resort, Iloilo City on December 14-15, 2013.

The two-day workshop includes lay-outing skills and identifying write ups that will be place in the newsletter for the elementary and tabloid for the secondary.

About 300 participants joined the said training-workshop where the highest number of participants came from the Division of Antique.

Bugasong Central School with 19 young journalists, was led by their school paper advisers Mr. Dennis Bade and Miss Mary Jane Badoy.

Thaddeus added that at the end of the workshop, it is expected participants will come up a quality output and able to compete in the National Schools Press Conference group contest.